Friday, May 24, 2013

Brace Yourselves....

Guys... I LOST A TOOTH! Mommy bought me a Lil'kinz Husky named Bolt and a Lil' Kinz Cocker Spaniel named King Puddles for getting it out, I bought a Lil' Alley Cat named Lemonade and a Lil' Polka Back Fish named Ocean Man with the money that the Tooth Fairy left me. But WAIT. There's more....
Mommy also bought me a regular-sized Webkinz Jack Russel Terrier named JP (Jack Piper)  And I got a Ladybug named Wilson (Yeah, I know, pretty random....) in my Klinger's Meal!

Your Faithful Bloggers,
Rachel and Pico.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great names for Webkinz! I especially like the names Lemonade, Ocean Man, and Wilson. They're great!

    Your brother,

